
Network Management Action Plan

Date of Meeting:

22nd June 2021

Report of:

Executive Director Economy, Environment & Culture

Contact Officer:


Andrew Westwood


01273 292468



Ward(s) affected:








1.1         The city faces challenges in keeping the city moving while moving to a low carbon economy.  People will need to change their approach to movement and the use of Active Travel and Public Transport will have to increase.   The road network is a key element traditionally used by cars, that needs to be managed well by targeting resources to helping people move in the city.  The move to reduce the reliance on the car requires significant changes to the network and the Local Transport Plan sets out the Transport Policy on how this achieved.


1.2         It is important that the existing road network is managed well and there are a number of initiatives and tools that can help the changes necessary in the city.


1.3         This report outlines Brighton & Hove City Council’s approach to managing its Road Network and identifies the initiatives that are necessary to drive efficiency and support the move away from the car. The Network Management Action Plan (“the Plan”), attached to this report as Appendix 1, details the policy drivers, legal issues and the challenges that are being faced to keep the city moving.  The Plan describes the challenges and identifies a series of outcomes that need to be delivered.


1.4         It identifies 4 key areas where mitigation will help with delivery of a better managed road network.


·              Movement in the city (including Active travel)

·              Specifically supporting Public Transport

·              Impact of road works

·              Use of technology to manage the road network


1.5         Each of the headings identified have specific actions and will need approval for them to be developed further.






2.         RECOMMENDATIONS:    


That Committee agree:-


2.1         A trial of red routes on the designated roads London Road, Lewes Road and along with the previously approved inclusion of Valley Gardens as detailed in the Plan


2.2         The development of a specification for the replacement of the Real Time information system


2.3         To investigate and develop a business case for introducing Lane Rental into the city


2.4         The approach to managing the City’s Road Network as set out in the Plan




3.1         Brighton and Hove as a vibrant seaside town does suffer from congestion due to the economic activity and the number of year-round visitors that come to the city.  The success of the Public Transport network in the city brings its own challenges with the need to support the modal shift away from private cars.  This places stress on a road network that often operates over capacity with the subsequent delays and congestion.  The authority is attempting to promote Active Travel and the road network is important in achieving this shift.


3.2         Managing the road network is key to achieving the policy drivers set out in the report and the need to meet the legal obligations. The Network Management Action Plan sets out the future challenges that need to be addressed in keeping the city moving.


3.3         The council does have obligations under the Network Management Duty (the duty) which is part of the Traffic Management Act 2004. It applies to all local traffic authorities. The duty came into force on 4  January 2005. The duty recognises:

·         the importance of managing and operating the road network

·         the importance of optimising benefits for all road users

·         the needs of those who maintain the infrastructure (both of the network itself and of the services within it).


The arrangements for performing the Network Management Duty include:


The Department for Transport (DfT) issued guidance in November 2004, which outlines the traffic authority’s obligations under the duty. This includes:



3.4         The Plan includes 4 key areas that need to be focussed on.

·         Movement in the city for all modes (including Active Travel)

o   This action area includes action to improve how strategic direction signing is implemented in the city.  Previously changes have been made without a strategic approach and this has led to inconsistencies.

o   Parking and loading causes issues for people walking and cycling in the city.  Public Transport is often delayed as a result of poor driver behaviour.  Red routes offer a solution and the Plan sets out a rationale to implement a scheme on the A270 and A23 which are the routes that suffer the most.  Red routes allow the use of CCTV to enforce parking restrictions.

·         Supporting Public transport

o   The existing Real Time system is limited in the way it operates with other systems, a new approach will be key to delivering a more integrated approach by providing real time data and better communication technology.  The Plan details the action needed to work with the bus operator and improve the system.

·         Impact of roadworks

o   The city has a permit scheme in operation that has made a real difference in managing the utility companies and the council’s own works.  A lane rental scheme acts as a more focussed tool that concentrates on the council’s strategic roads the most sensitive in the city.  It charges the utility companies and the council’s own works a fee for renting the road at these specific locations so that occupancy of the carriageway and the subsequent congestion is reduced.  The Plan seeks to assess the benefits and costs that such a scheme would deliver.

·         Use of Technology

3.5         Investment in new technology and systems can lead to improvements in how the road network operates and carbon reductions because of better management.  The Plan includes several initiatives to ensure investment is targeted to the areas that will bring about benefits.  These include Intelligent Traffic signals, investment in LED technology and the use of Big Data to inform decision making.  The existing Traffic Control Centre currently is limited in the way it works and the accommodation available.  The Plan supports the Transport Control Centre programme that is seeking to identify how a centre can manage the movement in the city using technology to inform




4.1         The council could decide not to adopt the Network Management Action Plan.  This would mean that the city is not fully prepared for the future challenges.  The plan helps the authority meet the core obligation within the Act.


4.2         Without a plan the tools and initiatives would not be available to support the move to active travel, Public Transport and reducing carbon.




5.1         The initiatives in the Plan would be shared and consulted with relevant stakeholders as necessary as they are developed.  The Plan itself is an internal document that supports the Policy set out in the current emerging Local Transport Plan.


6.         CONCLUSION


6.1         Adopting the Plan will bring about real change and make a contribution to the council’s objective for carbon neutrality by 2030.


6.2         The Plan includes several initiatives that will keep the city at the cutting edge of new technology, particularly the use of technology in the emerging Transport Control Centre programme.




Financial Implications:


7.1         The initial costs of the recommendations in this report will be met from within existing Transport budgets. Any initiatives identified for implementation will be developed in detail and reported to Committee along with the most appropriate funding sources which could include LTP or SCRIF funding.


            Finance Officer Consulted: Jeff Coates                                       Date: 19/05/21


Legal Implications:


7.2         As set out in the report the council, as local traffic authority, has a statutory Network Management Duty under the Traffic Management Act 2004. The duty requires the authority “to manage their road network with a view to achieving, so far as may be reasonably practicable having regard to their other obligations, policies and objectives, the following objectives  - (a) securing the expeditious movement of traffic on the authority's road network; and (b)  facilitating the expeditious movement of traffic on road networks for which another authority is the traffic authority” (section 16).


            The introduction of Red Routes would be subject to the making of a TRO/TROs under the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, which would be subject to statutory consultation.

            The power to introduce Lane Rental is found in the New Roads and Street Works Act 1991 and regulations made thereunder


            Lawyer Consulted: Hilary Woodward                                           Date: 26/5/21


            Equalities Implications:


7.3         Any initiative will be subject to an EQIA


            Sustainability Implications:


7.4         The initiatives will reduce carbon by using new technology LED traffic signals for example.


Brexit Implications:


7.5         None


Any Other Significant Implications:


            Crime & Disorder Implications:


7.5       None


            Risk and Opportunity Management Implications:


7.6       Managing the impact of incidents on the network will reduce the risk of crashes occurring


            Public Health Implications:


7.7       Initiatives will reduce carbon and support air quality reduction


            Corporate / Citywide Implications:


7.8       None







1.         Network Management Action Plan


Background Documents


1.         None